4 Trendy Outfits For Skinny Guys
Just like women, men come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Each of us unique in our own special way. However, no matter what shape or style we sport, we all have one thing in common - we all want to look and feel good in the clothes we wear. Because fashion trends come and go, it can be difficult for fashion misfits to find trendy outfits that fit their personality, style, and shape.
Now, there are tons of guides out there that give advice on how to dress up when you’ve let yourself gain a couple (or more pounds). But the skinny male? You may already have noticed that there are only a handful (if that) of articles that discuss the struggles of guys who have never filled out and can’t seem to look older than the 7th-grader next door. Fortunately for you, we’ve got the skinny on how to be trendy if you’re on the slim side. This guide should help you find your own skinny guy style. We included tips on how to look good, enabling you to create the illusion of bulk when you have little to none.
Skinny Style Do's
Just because you're slim, it doesn't mean you can wear just about anything you want. While you definitely have more clothes to choose from than those who have more bulk (or bulge), there are still some rules that you need to adhere to if you want to look your best.
Skinny Men Wear Crew Necks
V-necks are great if you have pecs that are worthy of being shown off. Skinny men, however, rarely do. To avoid highlighting your thin neck and collarbones, you need to stick to crew neck shirts and sweaters. This style gives the illusion that you have squared shoulders and a much wider frame. Aside from crew necks, shirts for skinny guys include those that feature a strong, firm collar. For example, collared sweaters, turtlenecks, zip necks, roll neck sweaters, shawl collars polo shirts, and button up shirts. These styles help you make your neck look shorter and beefier, and less pencil-like.
Wear Pants for Skinny Guys
What does that mean? Well, skinny jeans is in and so are you. We're talking about regular skinny jeans, not the super skinny ones that emphasize your chicken legs. Slim straight cut pants are also highly recommended. Thick pants can also add bulk.
Choose the Right Fit
We've already mentioned that you shouldn't wear too skinny jeans. The same goes for any kind of clothes that are skin-tight as these will only accentuate your frail frame. On the other hand, a lot of skinny guys think that wearing oversized clothes make them look bigger. They don't. Baggier pieces of clothing does not hide your frame at all; it just makes you look like you're trying to dress up wearing your big brother's clothes.
So, how does one find the right fit? The rule of thumb when it comes to finding shirts for skinny guys is to check the shoulder and sleeves. The shoulder seam should align perfectly with the edge of your shoulder. Sleeves, on the other hand, should be somewhat tight on your arm. Too loose and your arms will look like spaghetti noodles.
Wear Size-Enhancing Fabric
Aside from choosing the right fit, you need to choose the right kind of fabric that can increase the bulk of your frame. For example, thick and/or textured fabrics can give you the appearance of a bigger frame, especially compared to thin, smooth fabrics. So, which fabrics should clothes for skinny guys be made of? Here's a definitive list:
- Denim
- Glen Check
- Flannel
- Tweed
- Cordoroy
As we've already mentioned, the thickness of the fabric also enhances your build which means you should look for thick knits when choosing fall and winter outfits for men. Aside from keeping you warm, thick knit clothes tend to have a textured appearance as well which adds much-needed chunk to your frame.
Layer Up
And we don't mean trying add more fat and muscle to your frame (though you can do that, if possible). Layering up means wearing multiple layers to add a little bit of breadth to your frame. Of course, that doesn't mean that you should go ahead and wear multiple shirts, the thickest sweaters you can find, and a coat to top it all off. You’ll end up looking like a child who got bundled up by his overprotective mum. There's a method to layering that makes it look natural. The initial layer should be thin and light. As you add more layers, the fabric gets slightly thicker and sturdier. In addition, you need to take note of the patterns and textures of each layer; it should range from light to strong. Moreover, you need to make sure that all the layers are color coordinated. If you're clueless about color, you can follow the one-color trick which is when you limit yourself to one color family and the rest would be neutral. For example, you can start with a light green shirt, then a dark green sweater, and topped off with a brown peacoat.
Wear the Colors and Patterns that Boost Your Build
While layering up is a great method (so is wearing thick-knit clothes), these are outfits for skinny guys during fall and winter. But what about summer and spring? Layering up won't make much sense. You'll also end up sweating like a pig which won't do much for your appearance. What does this mean for you? Guys' fashion during warmer seasons generally consist of a tee, a lightwright jacket or a light shirt which means finding a way to add a little heft to your look with just that piece. This is where the right colors and patterns come in. While big individuals are told to avoid wearing light colored clothes, skinny guys should embrace them. Lighter colors such as pastels, white, and beige can accentuate the little bulk you have, making them seem more prominent and giving the illusion that you're bigger than you actually are. As for patterns, go for horizontal stripes that will make your upper body look broader while highlighting your V-shape. Checkered patterns like gingham and plaid works just as well in making you seem bigger and, dare we say, stronger.
Skinny Style Don'ts
Now that you know what you should do, let's talk about what you shouldn't wear if you're a skinny guy.
Thin Guys Don't Wear Big Accessories
Large or oversized watches, belt buckles, chains, and scarves. All of these accessories are a no-no as they just highlight your small frame. Instead, go with the more classic choice - regular-sized belt buckles that have no large decorative features, classic-looking watches, and simple scarf styles.
Don't Wear Shoulder Pads
Truthfully, a little bit of padding can go a long way, especially if we're talking about suits. It makes your shoulders look broader and when coupled with a rigid shape and thick canvas interlining, you get a more masculine appearance. However, there's a chance that you cross the line between a little padding to full 80s Miami Vice style which really will do nothing for you. In addition, shoulder pads can cause you to feel even more "insecure" and disappointed in yourself in the same way that a push-up bra can.
Say No to Vertical Stripes.
Horizontal stripes are a big yes. Vertical ones will make you look taller but a whole lot skinnier. And while we do recommend patterns such as checkered or plaid, don't go too bold with your prints that it overpowers your entire outfit.
Don’t Split Your Outfit into Blocks
What does that even mean? Your outfit consists of two parts - the upper half and the lower half. The two should create a balanced look, so you don't look out of proportion. For example, a huge hoodie paired with skinny jeans. The key here is symmetry - what’s on top should be similar to what’s on the bottom. The rest - looking good - will follow.
4 Trendy Outfits for Skinny Guys to Try
Now that you know how to dress for skinny guys, we’ve got a couple of suggested outfits you can test to see if it fits your personality and style.
Suits for Skinny Guys
Blazers, sport coats, and suit jackets can give you a boxed look by making your shoulders look wider. Some structure and light padding adds even more bulk. When it comes to wearing a suit, a clean-lined, double-breasted design is best.
This classic winter coat was made for skinny men. Like the suit, a double-breasted cut gives you more bulk while the large tapered collar emphasizes your V-shape. When popped up, the collar gives your neck a beefier appearance. Plus, a peacoat works great with layering.
Henley Shirt
A henley shirt can look really good on a skinny guy provided you don't wear one that's too tight. The long sleeves can make your arms look bigger. Rolling them up can boost their appearance even more. Not to mention, it'll make you look cooler and hotter (you know what we mean). Just make sure that you don't roll it past your elbow.
Men's Suede Boots
Shoes may not seem like a big deal when it comes to dressing up a skinny guy. But you'd be wrong. Some shoes such as chunky biker boots and high top sneakers will make your legs look skinnier. Instead, choose shoes that are as slim as possible such as suede boots. They not only look cool but they'll make your entire outfit look better. As an added bonus, these can make your legs look a little a little thicker because it scrunches the bottom of your jeans.

Mariam Simmons
Mariam Simmons is a fashion enthusiast and Content Manager at Alpine Swiss. She loves traveling to the world’s top stylish destinations and gets inspired to create helpful fashion and lifestyle guides. With over a decade of writing experience, her main goal in creating content is to ensure readers learn something useful and provide value instead of noise.